Borovsk. How to get there from Moscow. What to see in Borovsk in a day.


Russian San Francisco, Bora-Borovsk beach, the House of Happiness, the center of the Old Believers and art objects by the artist Ovchinnikov.

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Blog Alexey Nikitin. Professional photographer Alexey Nikitin in Moscow

There will be a new article here soon

Zaraysk. What to see in the city in a day. How to get to Zaraysk from Moscow.


A beautiful city near Moscow with an ancient Kremlin, renovated streets, gingerbread and beaches.

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Shelter for dogs My Dog and hotel for cats Barsik-hotel

Shelter for dogs “My Dog” and a foster hotel for cats

For those who want to help animals or leave their cat in caring hands during their trip

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Mariupol city in 2024. How to the city live now. Photo of Mariupol.


How the city lives in 2024, large photo report 

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Gorokhovets. How to get from Moscow to Gorokhovets. What to see in Gorokhovets in a day.


What to see in the city in a day. Sights of Gorokhovets. Photo and video tips.

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Fishing village in Shumashi, Ryazan region. Photo of spring flood. Aerial photography from a drone.

“Fishing village”

Spring flood in Shumashi. Fishing village from above.

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Porsche Ride gathering in Moscow on the territory of the DEPO.Three stations food mall on April 12, 2024. Photos of Porsche in Moscow.

Porshe Ride

Gathering of the Porshe Ride club on the territory of the DEPO food mall. Three stations on April 12, 2024

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Popular attractions of Belarus. Photos of the city of Minsk, castles Mir and Nesvizh, as well as Brest and the Brest Fortress.


Independent car trip along the Minsk-Brest route with stops at popular attractions

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Photo tour to Dombay. Photos of Caucasian Mineral Waters - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody. Caucasus Mountains. Bermamyt plateau.


Photo tour to Dombay. Region Caucasian Mineral Waters. Trip report.

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All about portrait photography. What is portrait photography? Portrait of a woman and a man. Studio portrait.


What is portraiture and portrait photography? What types of portraits are there? I answer questions about the portrait and share my thoughts.

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Photo report about a trip to the island of Crete, Greece. Travel to the best cities of the island and local attractions.

Beautiful island of Crete

Informative photo guide from the 2021 trip

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